괜찮다 싶은 펌글2008. 7. 22. 11:16
GE Financial Management Program 채용공고

발명왕 에디슨이 1878년에 설립한 에디슨 전기 조명 회사(Edison Electric Light Company)로부터 시작한 GE는
기술, 미디어 및 금융서비스 다각화 기업으로 상상을 현실로 만듭니다. 항공기 엔진, 발전, 수처리, 보안기술,의료영상, 기업 및 소비자 금융서비스, 미디어 콘텐츠와 첨단 소재에 걸친 제품과 서비스를 100개국의 고객들에게 제공하고 있습니다.
1896년 다우 존스산업지수에 최초로 포함된 미국의 12개 우량기업 중 현재까지 생존하고 있는 유일한 상장기업으로, AAA 기업신용등급을 받은 6개 미국 기업 (금융제외) 중 하나입니다.
2007년 말 기준, 총 매출액은 1,727억불, 순이익은 222억불이며 종업원은 31만명이 넘습니다. 또한, 미국Fortune잡지의 ‘세계에서 가장 존경받는 기업 (World’s Most Admired Company)’ 에서 2년 연속 1위를 기록하는 등 세계 최고 기업의 명성을 유지하고 있습니다.
GE 의 Entry Level 리더십 프로그램 중의 하나인 Financial Management Program (FMP) 은 재무 전문가 양성을 목표로 운영되는 프로그램으로서 GE 의 6 개 글로벌 사업부문의 CEO 와 CFO 다수를 배출하였습니다.
2 년간에 걸친 집중적인 교육과 실전 업무를 함께 경험할 수 있는 FMP 의 세계로 여러분을 초대합니다.

GE Korea FMP Recruiting

Finance - The Language of business at GE

At GE, finance is a key player and a strategic business partner. The Financial Management Program
(FMP) is a world-class training program and the foundation for financial leadership development at GE.
It combines challenging job assignments with coursework and interactive seminars to equip program
participants with exceptional financial and leadership skills. These skills along with highly valuable
networking opportunities prepare you for your future financial leadership positions within GE.
Wherever the program takes you, GE’s results-oriented, performance-focused environment will
encourage you to take risks and enable to stretch your capabilities.

1. Program Summary
* Intensive two-year entry-level program spanning four rotational assignments in various locations
* Monthly training for intensive finance, controls and strategy classes
* Hands-on experience may include: financial planning, accounting, operations analysis, auditing,
forecasting, treasury/cash management, and commercial finance
* Combines coursework, job assignments and interactive seminars to equip you with exceptional
technical, financial and business skills
* Led by senior GE professionals to develop world-class financial leaders for exciting positions

2. Application
- Required Documents – Merge all files into one MS WORD file
* Resume (English)
- Please Include: GPA, (Expected) Graduation Date, Work Experience (Length, Role & Contributions)
* Cover letter (English)
* Latest academic transcript (English)
Use MS WORD only and strictly follow the guideline below:
Title of email - Application_School_Student ID_Name
Title of attachment - School_Student ID_Name
*Applications which do not meet above criteria will not be accepted
Submit documents to fmprecruit@ge.com by no later than June 2nd, Monday 5:00PM. We will
contact candidates personally for further process.

3. Minimum criteria
* Competitive academic achievement
* Demonstrated interest or competency in finance
* Fluency in spoken and written English
* Completed required military service (if applicable)
* Entry Level or Less than 2 year of full-time external work experience
4. Preferred criteria
* Leadership experience
* Strong interpersonal and communication skills
* Analytical skills
* Finance or business related internship and/or major
-제출한 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.

T +82 2 6201 3089
M +82 11 268 3445
F +82 2 6201 3079
E sangkil.lee@ge.com

13F, GE Tower, 71-3, Cheongdam-dong
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-100, Korea
GE International Inc.

GE imagination at work
Posted by heeszzang